Research Projects
GRACE Center Studies
Social Interventions for Support during Treatment for Endometrial cancer and Recurrence (SISTER).
A national pragmatic randomized control trial social support interventions to decrease social isolation and increase treatment completion among Black women with high-risk endometrial cancer.
Guidelines for transvaginal Ultrasound In the Detection of Early Endometrial Cancer (GUIDE-EC)
A health services and community engaged project to identify a risk-based approach to evaluation for vaginal bleeding that eliminates the racial disparity present in the current clinical guidelines.
Racial Disparities in Endometrial Cancer: The Role of Diagnostic Care Pathways.
This work is a large, multi-level project (patient, providers, systems) to identify and build interventions to mitigate the contributors to delay in diagnosis of endometrial cancer among Black women. Currently underway is the Assessment of Reproductive Symptoms by First Line Providers - a national survey of providers across different specialties and training types designed to understand the level of knowledge and practice patterns in response to signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer.
Community Empowerment Partners® for Endometrial Cancer
This was a national community-driven endometrial cancer peer education program for Black women, where Black endometrial cancer survivors were recruited from all over the country to be trained as peer educators and conduct information sessions on signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer in their home communities.
GRACE Center Collaborations
“Within every age, within every stage of diagnosis, within every tumor type, black women do worse.”
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